Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Dealing with a jealous partner

A jealous partner can place a real strain on relationships, but with work from both sides it is possible to overcome it. Check out these tips for advice on working it out together.......

Take joint responsibility for the problem. Whatever the root cause of irrational jealousy, it takes commitment from both partners to beat it.

Recognise the positive side of jealousy. Instead of getting angry with your partner when they’re jealous, try to remember it’s only a problem because they value your relationship so much. If they didn’t care they wouldn’t be jealous.

Build your partner’s confidence. Jealousy and insecurity are inextricably linked. The more secure your partner feels about your relationship, and the more confident they are that you’re both fulfilled in the relationship, the less jealous they will feel. Try to boost their confidence by expressing love, paying compliments and discussing your future together.

Check your behaviour. Try to make sure your actions don’t fuel your partner’s jealous tendencies. Where possible, stick to arrangements and don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Don’t bend to unreasonable demands that could create bitterness and resentments.

source; thecoupleconnection.

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